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Shiny Moon Braixen
Hello there! I am a shiny Braixen, but not just any shiny braixen, a shiny moon braixen! I am KoalaCutie88 and Sarah-Luna and The Pony Club. Go here for my YouTube: I have multiple blogs you can see up there I believe!! Also, check out Luigles the blogger:

This is your LAST chance!

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Wanting to see Popstar Pokémon?

Wanting to see Popstar Pokémon?
Well if so, click here! Awesome content on PokéPopstars, that stands for Pokémon that are Popstars.

Can't find something you want? Search Pokémon through Wikipedia!

Search results

Do I really have a Phione?

 So... Do I have a Phione? Well... I just got it today! Isn't it cute?

Don't believe me? I swear I only have Pokémon Lets Go Pikachu and Pokémon Violet!

And it is spelled: Phee-on-A.

Today I will tell you all about Phione and prove that maybe I do have a Phione?(Scroll fully down to see me and my Phione)

Category: Sea Drifter

HEIGHT: 1'04"

WEIGHT: 6.8 lbs.

ABILITY: Hydration

Type: Water



Links to watch at:

What to search:

Pokémon TV Series

Pokémon  DP Galactic Battles

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl TV Series

Pokémon Season 12 Episode 9

My Fav PHIONE Cards:

So...Do I really REALLY have a Phione? Take a look:


  • Galarian Lakitu(You know a lot about Sword and Shield "Galar Region")

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