The coolest idea's for Café ReMix🍝🍨🍹
Pokémon Café ReMix, available on mobile devices, including Nintendo Switch. The game features in-app purchases, and it's the picture of a perfect mobile puzzle game! The thing is though, they have been having 'Monthly Challenges' and 'Events' all the time, and I've been thinking...
Why not have a Detective Pikachu costume as a event? I mean... It's close to Halloween, Detective Pikachu Returns just released, it's the perfect put-up!
If you don't understand, let me explain...
Also, you may be asking, "Why does this have to do with Halloween?". Well...
Pikachu dresses up as a detective for Halloween! Brilliant!
If Nintendo's full staff was just people that think like that, it be even more popular!
Another thing is... When a players Pokémon reaches lv. 15, or higher, the player gets a special outfit for that Pokémon! Instead of those different colored outfits, add more to them!
Like, Bulbasaur green should have little bulbs on the outfit like a polka dot pattern.
Pikachu Yellow should have the same as Bulbasaur Green, but with Pikachu tails or thunderbolts.
Eevee brown should have an Eevee tail in a polka dot pattern.
Minnico Gray should have more then a tail, maybe like Minnico's ears, or it's face as a pattern.
Jigglypuff Pink should have music notes, or hearts polka dot pattern!
Lucario Blue, hmmmmm..... Nintendo, I'll let you figure that one out. And I don't want Aura Speers!
Gengar Purple should have little ghost icons in polka dot pattern.
Dragonite Orange should be.... Hm.. Tough one.... Maybe wings?
And so-on and so-on!(I stopped at Dragonite Orange because it's the farthest outfit I have!)
New menu items are the perfect way to set at the New Years table!
On New Years Eve, Pokémon Café ReMix should have new menu items!
I'll name a few(And if Nintendo wants, they'll be exclusive to New Years!)
Stars Curry
Stripe Stew
(lol! They sound like they should be for a Fourth of July menu special!)
Christmas Curry
Description: Have Christmas ornaments and have it in the shape of a Christmas tree. This is to celebrate the ending of Christmas.
Memorable Memory Marshmallow Milk
Description: A milk with marshmallows floating on top. This is supposed to remind you of all the memories you had over this year, like your first time playing baseball was this year, or, you went on a unforgettable trip.
Pumpkin Punch
Description: As a reminder of your amazing Thanksgiving, or Halloween.
Quick Crackers
Description: crackers in the shape of a clock. This is based off the term of "quick" when it means something feels like it's gone fast. Like it feels like the year has gone by so fast.
Worthwhile Watermelon Waffles
Description: Waffles with little watermelon pieces. It's to remind you your entire year wasn't a waste!