Pocket Monster TV Series Quiz
How much have you watched of the series? Lets find out how much you like it!
How to play:
Click on your answer.
A pop-up tab should show.
The pop-up tab should tell you if you got it right or wrong.
Follow the rules the pop-up tab says.
Rules on pop-up tabs can be "+1", "-1", or "+0".
Collect points(pts) by getting questions right, lose points when you get a question wrong.
The more points you have, the more it tells if you are a more bigger fan, the less points you have tells if you haven't been watching it much.
1. What season is this?
2. What Pocket Monster did Satoshi/Ash use to defeat Takeshi/Brock?
A. Pikachu
B. Squirtle
C. Pigeotto
3. Can a Ditto perfectly copy a Pokémon?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
4. What does Purin/Jigglypuff always carry around secretly shaped like a Microphone?
A. A marker
B. A Pokédex
C. A chocolate bar Morpeko tries to steal
5. What episode and season is this from?
6. What episode and season did Goh's Drizzile evolve into a Inteleon?
Check you score! Add up points you collected from questions!
Score Board:
6 pts: Ubsest fan
5 pts: Big fan
4 pts: med fan
3 pts: haven't been watching it
2 pts: new to series
1 pt: just introduced