Alola Quiz! Are you a Island Guardian or Island Kahuna?
Are you a Island Kahuna, or even better, a Island Guardian? Or do you not know what Alola is. Lets find out!
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The more points you have, the more it tells if you are a more bigger fan, the less points you have tells if you haven't been watching it much.
Question 1: What is a Z move?
Question 2: How do you activate a Z move?
A. Dance around making funny noises
B. Be in sync with your Pokémon
C. A z-zest-sushi-with-lemon-ultra-spicy-zucchini-zeppelin-pie with extra sauce.
Question 3: What are the 4 island guardians of Alola?
A. Tapu Koko, Tapu Lolo, Tapu Z-co, and Tapu Yoyo
B. Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, and Tapu Fini
C. Tap-tap Tokyo, tip-tip talkie, ten-ten tonic, and tack-tack terrier
Question 4: What are the 3 first partner Pocket Monsters(Pokémon)
A. Rowlet, Litten, and Poppilo
B. Pikachu, Bird Boy, and Sack Shack
Question 5: Is this Pocket Monster(Pokémon) from Alola?
A. Yes
B. No