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Shiny Moon Braixen
Hello there! I am a shiny Braixen, but not just any shiny braixen, a shiny moon braixen! I am KoalaCutie88 and Sarah-Luna and The Pony Club. Go here for my YouTube: I have multiple blogs you can see up there I believe!! Also, check out Luigles the blogger:

This is your LAST chance!

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Wanting to see Popstar Pokémon?

Wanting to see Popstar Pokémon?
Well if so, click here! Awesome content on PokéPopstars, that stands for Pokémon that are Popstars.

Can't find something you want? Search Pokémon through Wikipedia!

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Newest Pokémon Games!

 Including the most recent spin-off series continuing called Detective Pikachu, Pokémon will be having new games! Pokémon Ash Gray Edition is finally going to be for Nintendo Switch! Not only that, but Alpha Sapphire is ALSO coming to Nintendo Switch!

Am I done yet? No! Pokémon Rocket Edition is coming to! Lets start rocking!

Not ONLY is there new games, there's a new Pokémon Trading Card Game for Nintendo Switch! Remember the TCG video game for Gameboy? Well it's back, remastered with the title Platinum Rising Rivals!

You know, I wish all these were real! I created each and everyone of these! Do you want to create your own Pokémon Nintendo Switch cover? Use the image bellow, then edit it to be the Pokémon-Game-Cover-Of-Your-Dreams!

Here are some extra things you can use:


  • Galarian Lakitu(You know a lot about Sword and Shield "Galar Region")

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